By this time you have gone through the initial journey and have proved to be a worthy and healthy donor!.
The time has now arrived to get admitted and go through the surgery itself.
Note: As you get accepted as donor, donor and recipient both are advised to buy a spirometer, which is a lung exerciser. You should do this breathing exercise seriously both pre and post surgery as it helps a lot in your recovery.
Generally you are asked to get admitted to the hospital one day before the actual surgery date. However, during Covid times, you could be asked to get admitted few days before which acts like a quarantine period and can be 48 hours or 1 week. These additional days of quarantine are not part of transplant package and has to be paid separately.
- Please remember to carry the CT and MRI/MRCP scan images with you when getting admitted to the hospital. Surgeons might need and refer them during the surgery.
- To get admitted you usually first meet the doctor from surgeon team in phase-1 building, 4th floor deluxe room OR in the phase-2 building section D consultation area. They will hand you the paper required to initiate the formalities for admission.
- The billing and paper work for the admission is done in phase-2 building which has the admission billing area right next to the cafeteria. Don’t forget to get visitor pass as well.
Once the admission formalities are done, you are assigned a room in phase-1 building, generally 3rd floor.
Note: Phase-1 building is old and some of the rooms on 3rd floor can be a bit depressing without any day light so try to request for a room which gets good day light.
The day before surgery you could have some tests done like Ultra-Sound, RT-PCR ( during Covid times).
The evening before the surgery, there is a consent meet which is basically the final legal formality and surgeon explains the procedure and risk involved to recipient and donor and this conversation is recorded over the video. At the end of this meet, you are required to sign the consent paper.
The morning of the surgery:
- You are required to take a bath using water mixed with antiseptic liquid and wear the dress provided by the hospital
- You are then taken to OT (Operation Theatre)where they start preparing for the surgery.
- You will be at this stage given the anesthesia and go unconscious to wake up post surgery.
In my next and last blog on this topic, I will write about the process post surgery and what things you need to be careful to help with your recovery.